A blog? In 2024?

Are blogs coming back in vogue? I don’t know, but it seems maybe there’s a bit of a resurgence. Personal blogs are almost retro cool again at this point.

I’ve had a blog before, starting with using Squarespace (where this is hosted also) back in 2005. Squarespace was very much a startup then, and the founder/CEO Anthony Casalena was personally handling tech support. I kept that one going for a good 10 years and then it petered out, as these things tend to do.

Once I got onto Twitter around 2014 and was also using Facebook and later Instagram, it just seemed less relevant to have the blog.

But ten years after that, in 2024, the social media world is…different. I killed my Twitter account almost immediately after Elon Musk took over, and barely visit, let alone post, on Facebook. I use Instagram, but mostly for my Mass Made Soul photography (of which the full MMS site is here).

I’m active on LinkedIn, and while that’s become more of a social network and less strictly for business contacts and announcements platform, it’s not a place I feel comfortable talking about a wide range of topics.

Besides, I want to have a place that feels more my own (despite being hosted on Squarespace), and that isn’t algorithmically driven. Where I can post about what I want, when I want.

I don’t know how this will go — maybe it will be a complete bust after a few months. But it feels like a good time to have an outlet for random thoughts, sharing my photography, talking about the stuff that interests me, and so on. A place to get stuff out of my head.

So fire up that RSS reader, Feedly, or whatever the kids are using these days, and follow along! Or, I can make it easy for you and send you updates every month or two after I’ve got a few posts up — sign up here.

Adam Richardson

Adam is the Principal of Enigma Bureau.


Test pack for Iceland…


Snow day